More than a decade ago, I embarked upon a journey in the vast tapestry of the written realm; I began to craft an epic saga of bravery and betrayal, suffering and salvation, trials and triumphs, love and loss...
Last year, the fruits of my labor were recognized when my debut novella "Tormented Souls," the first in the series "Warriors of Anaa," was released on multiple platforms for my readers to enjoy. Now, as the next installment, "Warriors of Anaa - Breaking Chains," is poised to hit the shelves, I find myself at a bit of a crossroads.
In the quiet hours of revision, I have noticed that my writing has undergone a striking transformation... an evolution, per say. We live and learn, do we not? While others may not recognize the growth, to me it stands out with striking differences - as if each word now dances off the page with a smoother rhythm and clearer vision. While the first book was awesome (if I may say so), the upcoming second installment "Breaking Chains," is a testament to the countless hours I have dedicated to honing my craft, showcasing the growth and reflecting the process I have endured as an author while attempting to master my craft.
Although I am proud of myself and my accomplishments, I cannot help but wonder about my first book... Do I delve back into the origins of my series, attempt to polish 'Tormented Souls,' or continue weaving this epic tapestry with books 3, 4, and 5, which are concurrently being written? Right now, my mindset is geared more towards "full speed ahead" instead of "what if I change that"...
To make up for what I perceive as 'missing content' in “Tormented Souls,” I’ve come up with an exciting new plan. I’ll be posting a series on my blog, “Whispers from Anaa,” where I’ll dive deeper into the lives of my fascinating characters. This series will give you a closer look at what motivates them, what shapes their actions and reactions, and what truly makes them unique. (I've already released the first two posts for that blog, by the way.)
As I stand on the precipice of releasing “Warriors of Anaa - Breaking Chains,” I am filled with a renewed sense of purpose and excitement. The journey of writing and revising has not only refined my craft but also deepened my connection to the world of Anaa and its inhabitants. While the temptation to revisit and perfect “Tormented Souls” lingers, I am driven by the momentum of creation and the stories yet to be told.
Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey. Your support and enthusiasm fuel my passion and inspire me to continue weaving the epic saga of the Warriors of Anaa. Stay tuned for more updates and insights on “Whispers from Anaa,” where the heartbeats of my characters come to life. Together, let’s explore the depths of their souls and the vastness of their world.